PORT LIMITS/INFORMATION: ------------------------ Depths - (salt) Entrance to channel - 46.0 ft Harbor channel - 44.0 ft Turning basin - 43.0 ft Middle turning basin 43' Maximum allowed draft – 38.06' FT Under keel clearance - channel - 2.5 ft - alongside berths - 0.5 ft Tidal restriction for all vessels over 38'00 3 tugs required for all vessels with draft of 38'00" or deeper. TPSI (SCP #4) vessels have a maximum waterline to manifold height of 54'00 1. A vessel scheduled to arrive at one of the tanker or bulk cargo berths with the maximum allowable draft may anticipate pilot boarding on a rising tide within two hours of the scheduled high tide. 2. In accordance with the Operational Guidelines of the Canaveral Pilots Association, vessels with drafts in excess of 36’-00” will require the assistance of three tug boats. A minimum of twenty-four hours advance notice of the vessel’s arrival should be given to ensure adequate notice for the tug provider to have three tugs available.
TWIC required Gate List Required
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