Cyber Security

Safeguarding high value maritime assets and facilities from cyber threats


We offer a wide range of services to ensure your compliance.

Baseline Advanced Industrial Cyber Security For Vessels Facilities

Solutions to protect converged IT with controls systems, as aligned with the NIST framework and industry best practices

Cybersecurity Remediation

Architect, design, and implement cybersecurity remediation initiatives with clients

Strategic Planning

Technology investment plans development, review and alignment to cybersecurity requirements

Advanced Testing Research

Advanced pentesting of OT/ICS/IoT systems, zero day exploit discovery, & maritime emerging tech cyber assessments

Integrated Facility and Cyber Security Plans

Converged cybersecurity and physical security assessments for MTSA and ISPS-regulated facilities

Executive Seminars Staff Training

Assessment Based workshops and tabletop exercises to learn from industry and academia

Emerging Tech IoT

Research and review emerging technologies used in the maritime industry to help clients safely adopt to improve clients processes

Digital Integration Of Cyber Systems

Safe and secure integration of maritime cyber system


These are some of the organizations we work with on a daily basis to ensure we provide the best possible service in all areas of operation.

To learn more about our cyber security offering, please visit the Moran Cyber website.

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