Maximum DWT - 64,000 MT Maximum Moulded Depth - 68'06 feet**see below Maximum Waterline to Manifold - 50 feet Maximum ship rail to manifold - 15'00 Ship's gangway used. Ship's gear and crew used to connections. Vessel must be ready to sail 2 hours after completing discharge operations. ***MOULDED DEPTH RESTRICTIONS - If MD is between 66'06" and 68'06", then the following 4 criteria must be met: -draft must be maintained at no less than 20'00 at all times -Wind speed - cargo ops are halted if wind speed reaches 40 knots -mooring lines - minimum 15 lines must be deployed by the vessel -Assist Tug - assist tug must be standing by if any Atlantic class vessel with LOA greater than 965' passes the berth.
TWIC Required Gatelist Required
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