BOSTON Harbor is at MARSEC Level 1
Boston Pilots advise:
Ships that employ an EPL/SHaPoLi or engine acceleration-limiting program as a part of their EEXI compliance structure must inform pilots of the engine response characteristics prior to entry into U.S. territorial waters to comply with 33 CFR § 164.11(k).
If the pilot card and wheel house poster are NOT UPDATED to reflect maneuverability with the device ENGAGED – device MUST BE OVERRIDDEN prior to entering U.S. territorial waters (3NM). If override is not feasible, the COTP, in consultation with the pilots, may require additional safety measures.
BOSTON CBP has noted the following:
Crew changes are being permitted. Offsigner flights need to be vetted by CBP in advance.
Shore leave is permitted.
Current Maximum Drafts at Oil Terminals
Citgo Braintree 34-09 Brakish Water
Global Chelsea 32-00 Salt Water
Global Revere 32-00 Salt Water
Gulf Chelsea 35-00 Salt Water
Irving Revere 36-00 Salt Water
Sprague Deepwater 34-00 BERTH DEPTH, Salt Water
Sunoco East Boston 36-06 BERTH DEPTH, Salt Water
TRT Quincy 29-00 Salt Water
McArdle Bridge Update
The McArdle Bridge is operating on normal on
demand bridge openings for marine traffic.
Chelsea Street Bridge Update
The Chelsea Street Bridge is operating on normal
on demand bridge openings for marine traffic.
Fore River Bridge Update
The Fore River Bridge is operating on normal
on demand bridge openings for marine traffic.