Port Update

Freeport, TX

January 06, 2025


Freeport Port Information:
Brazos Pilots: 
Pilot Boarding Times for Daylight Restricted Vessels:
Sunrise and Sunset Table 2024 (CST)
DATE        FIRST       SUNRISE     SUNSET      LAST
PILOT                               PILOT
Jan. 01       0700          0715          1735          1630
     10       0700          0716          1742          1630
     20       0700          0715          1750          1700
Feb. 01       0700          0710          1800          1700
     10       0700          0704          1807          1700
     20       0700          0656          1815          1700
Mar. 01       0700          0646          1821          1730
Daylight Saving Time begins 03/10 0200
     10       0700          0636          1927          1730
     20       0730          0724          1933          1830
Apr. 01       0700          0710          1940          1830
     10       0700          0700          1945          1830
     20       0700          0650          1951          1900
May  01       0630          0639          1957          1900
     10       0630          0633          2003          1900
     20       0630          0627          2009          1900
June 01       0630          0623          2016          1900
     10       0630          0622          2020          1930
     20       0630          0623          2023          1930
July 01       0630          0627          2024          1930
     10       0630          0631          2023          1930
     20       0630          0636          2019          1930
Aug. 01       0630          0643          2012          1900
     10       0700          0648          2005          1900
     20       0700          0653          1955          1900
Sept.01       0700          0659          1942          1830
     10       0700          0704          1932          1830
     20       0700          0709          1919          1830
Oct. 01       0700          0715          1906          1800
     10       0730          0720          1856          1800
     20       0730          0726          1846          1800
Nov. 01       0730          0734          1835          1730
Daylight Saving Time ends 11/03 at 0200
     10       0630          0641          1729          1630
     20       0700          0649          1725          1630
Dec. 01       0700          0658          1723          1630
     10       0700          0704          1724          1630
     20       0700          0710          1728          1630
Coast Guard:
Port Freeport Closures:
Please note that closure updates are prone to change and will be updated upon notification of closures.
For port closure information please contact local Moran agent. Please see contact info above.

Weather / Marine Zone Forecast

Weather Report:
Tide Report:
Port Freeport Report:
For current draft information, please contact local Moran agent.

Port / Terminal Restrictions

Brazos Pilot Restrictions:

                                                       U.S. Coast Guard
                                                           SECTOR HOUSTON-GALVESTON
                                                      SECTOR HOUSTON-GALVESTON (08-37170)
                                                            13411 HILLARD ST.
                                                            HOUSTON TX
Primary Phone: 281-464-4800
Emergency Phone: 281-464-4800
Fax Number: 281-464-4814
Rescue 21 VHF DSC MMSI Number: 003669915
Response Phone: 281-464-4851
Incident Mgmt. Phone: 281-464-4898
Enforcement Phone: 281-464-4862
Prevention Phone: 281-464-4700
Inspection Phone: 281-464-4732/4733
Investigations Phone: 281-464-4709
Waterways Management Phone: 281-464-4891/4890
Prep/Planning Phone: 281-464-4720
Facilities Branch Phone: 409-978-2711
Commercial Fishing Vessel Phone: 281-464-4732
Facility Inspection Branch Phone: 281-464-4709
National Response Center Number: 800-424-8802 - Contact the NRC for oil spills, hazmat releases.
Area of Responsibility
Sector Houston-Galveston encompasses an area extending from the east bank of the Colorado River in southwest Texas to 60 miles east of Lake Charles, Louisiana.
The Sector’s northern boundary aligns with the Texas- Oklahoma border and encompasses Lake Texoma. The southern border extends 200 miles offshore to the seaward
extent of the U.S. exclusive economic zone.  The unit includes two separate Captain of the Port (COTP) zones and major maritime centers including Houston, Beaumont,
Lake Charles, Texas City, Port Arthur, Freeport and Galveston.

Disclaimer: For quality assurance purposes please note well that while the information contained in this website is regularly vetted for accuracy it is not intended to replace the local knowledge or expertise pertaining to port conditions of our marine operations personnel.

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