Freeport, TX
February 03, 2025
Freeport Port Information:
Current Status: OPEN
Brazos Pilots:
Pilot Boarding Times for Daylight Restricted Vessels:
Sunrise and Sunset Table
2025 (CST)
Jan. 01 0700 0715 1735 1630
10 0700 0716 1742 1630
20 0700 0715 1750 1700
Feb. 01 0700 0710 1800 1700
10 0700 0704 1808 1700
20 0700 0655 1815 1700
Mar. 01 0700 0646 1821 1730
(Daylight Saving Time Begins at 0200 March 09, 2025)
09 0730 0746 1921 1830
10 0730 0736 1927 1830
20 0730 0725 1933 1830
April 01 0700 0711 1940 1830
10 0700 0700 1945 1830
20 0700 0650 1951 1900
May 01 0630 0640 1957 1900
10 0630 0633 2003 1900
20 0630 0627 2009 1900
June 01 0630 0623 2015 1900
10 0630 0622 2020 1930
20 0630 0623 2023 1930
July 01 0630 0626 2024 1930
10 0630 0630 2023 1930
20 0630 0636 2019 1930
Aug. 01 0630 0642 2012 1900
10 0700 0648 2005 1900
20 0700 0653 1956 1900
Sept. 01 0700 0659 1942 1830
10 0700 0704 1932 1830
20 0700 0709 1920 1830
Oct. 01 0700 0715 1907 1800
10 0730 0720 1856 1800
20 0730 0726 1846 1800
Nov. 01 0730 0734 1835 1730
(Daylight Saving Time Begins at 0200 Nov 02, 2025)
02 0630 0634 1735 1630
10 0630 0641 1729 1630
20 0700 0649 1725 1630
Dec. 01 0700 0658 1723 1630
10 0700 0704 1724 1630
20 0700 0710 1728 1630
DTS – DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIMEDisclaimer: For quality assurance purposes please note well that while the information contained in this website is regularly vetted for accuracy it is not intended to replace the local knowledge or expertise pertaining to port conditions of our marine operations personnel.
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