Daily Update

Port Everglades, FL

July 16, 2024


PORT EVERGLADES, FL (26-05.5N/80-04.8W)
Maximum Depths - (Salt)
Harbor entrance - 45.0 ft
Turning basin - 42.0 ft
Under Keel Clearance requirements -
Outer or Inner Bar Cuts - 10% of vessel's deep draft Inner harbor to berths - 1 foot
Current maximum drafts allowed at Oil berths:  
Berths 4-5:  40’0” at any tide, 40’1” – 42’0” on rising tide
Berth 6:  31’0” at any tide, 31’1” – 33’0” on rising tide
Berths 7-10:  37 ft at all tides up to 38 ft with sufficient tide
Berths 13: Slip 3's draft is : 37'0" at any tide, 37'1" – 38'0" on a rising tide. The draft limits in Slip 3 (Berths 12-15) are valid to 35 feet east of the bulkhead. There are soundings indicating less than 31 feet within 35 feet of the bulkhead at Berth 14 and less than 35 feet at Berth 13. (05/04/23)
The above draft are at MLLW, draft limitations change during a negative tide.
Maximum beam for unrestricted berthing:  106’00 Maximum beam – 150’  will require full slip (two tanker berths) and will awaiting Port Authority judgement for berthing.  Usual wait averages 5 days. (05/04/22)
Waterline to Manifold: 45'00 using cargo arms only – 1x8” cargo hose is now available to assist vessels over 45’00 to discharge
96 Hours - advance notice of arrival required by USCG/ required 96 hour advance notice for CPB (8/1/22)
72 Hours - The Harbormasters office requires a 72 hour minimum notice of a vessel arrival. Any time less than 72 hours will be considered short notice and could result in vessel's delay to berth.
24 Hours - advance receipt of crew list by Immigration for any vessel arriving from a foreign port, or arriving coast wise with detained crew.
24 Hours (minimum) - Foreign cargo must have manifest submitted to Customs & Border Patrol AMS.
24 Hours - advance fax of crew list and approved visitors required by Broward Sheriff Office and Port Security Officer.
72 Hours - post port call, the Port Authority requires bill of lading figures for all bulk cargo.
Port Security - Port Security - All persons doing ship’s business within Port Everglades must have TWIC and a security pass from Broward County Sheriff, PEV Division prior to be allowed onto any terminal. Infrequent visitors are allowed 15 temporary passes within 90 days. After 15 temporary passes within 90 days, the individual must apply for a permanent port pass. Vehicles must have permanent company markings to be allowed onto any terminal.
CURRENT ISSUES:  07/17/24 - Wednesday, July 17, 2024. The 45th Edition of Port Everglades Trade Partner Webinar Series Featuring Guatemala - Empresa Portuaria Nacional (National Port Authority) of Puerto Santos Tomas de Castilla Presented by: Mr. Jose de la Peña – President of the Board of Directors.  Guatemala is Port Everglades’ #7 ranked commercial trade partner. For 2023 bilateral trade was valued at over U$ 1.3 billion. Mr. De La Peña will give an in-depth presentation about the port's current state and future development plans. 10am – 11 am EST via Microsoft Teams. Reservations Robert Barcelo 954.468.0177. Mobile: 954.253.4407 rbarcelo@broward.org
07/23/24 - Tuesday, 23 – Wednesday 24, July, 2024. Join the Jacksonville District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for their industry day event regarding the latest environmental and coral nursery updates associated with the upcoming port deepening and widening project. Hilton, Fort Lauderdale Marina. Free, tickets at www.saj.usace.army.mil.
FUTURE/ONGOING ISSUES:   07/24/24 - Wednesday, 24 – Friday 26. July 2024 Transportation Summer Camp.  Join the Floridians for Better Transportation for the annual transportation summer camp in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. www.bettertransportation.org.
07/24/24 - Wednesday, 24 – Saturday 27, July, 2024. FES | ACEC Florida Annual Conference.  Register to attend the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Florida annual conference in Aventura, FL. www.info.fleng.org.
07/26/24 - Friday July 26, 2024. Doing Business with Mexico. The Broward County Office of Economic and Small Business Development in collaboration with the City of Miramar is hosting a workshop that will provide attendees with an opportunity to hear about export and investment opportunities to Mexico. 954.357.7894.  pisaac@broward.org.
08/02/24 – PEA - Friday, August 2, 2024. Our next Business Luncheon at Lauderdale Yacht Club 11.30am – 1.30pm.  We look forward to welcoming our new Port Everglades Director, Joseph Morris.  Presentations will include a detailed update of the master plan and market study.  Plus, our member Bowman Consulting will present their specialty survey vessel which has the capacity to conduct dual mapping above and below the waterline. Now taking reservations, book early. 954.463.2801, peaassn@portbiz.org
08/07/24 – 1130 – PROPELLER CLUB Reception for new Port Directory – attached.
08/22/24 – 1000 - Monthly Broward County Commission meeting
Maritime Security:           MARSEC 1

Tides / Currents

TIDES:  Port Everglades, Turning Basin
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible

JULY 2024 
Tu  16     High   4:04 AM     2.2   6:39 AM     Set  2:04 AM      67
    16      Low  10:40 AM     0.3   8:14 PM    Rise  4:04 PM
    16     High   5:06 PM     2.4
    16      Low  11:14 PM     0.8
W   17     High   5:02 AM     2.3   6:39 AM     Set  2:45 AM      76
    17      Low  11:32 AM     0.2   8:14 PM    Rise  5:05 PM
    17     High   6:04 PM     2.5
Th  18      Low  12:06 AM     0.8   6:40 AM     Set  3:32 AM      84
    18     High   6:00 AM     2.4   8:14 PM    Rise  6:07 PM
    18      Low  12:23 PM     0.1
    18     High   6:58 PM     2.6
F   19      Low  12:56 AM     0.7   6:40 AM     Set  4:28 AM      91
    19     High   6:56 AM     2.5   8:13 PM    Rise  7:07 PM
    19      Low   1:12 PM     0.0
    19     High   7:49 PM     2.8
Sa  20      Low   1:44 AM     0.5   6:41 AM     Set  5:31 AM      96
    20     High   7:49 AM     2.6   8:13 PM    Rise  8:03 PM
    20      Low   2:01 PM    -0.1
    20     High   8:37 PM     2.9
Su  21      Low   2:32 AM     0.3   6:41 AM     Set  6:39 AM      99
    21     High   8:41 AM     2.7   8:13 PM    Rise  8:53 PM
    21      Low   2:49 PM    -0.2
    21     High   9:23 PM     3.1
M   22      Low   3:20 AM     0.2   6:42 AM     Set  7:48 AM      99
    22     High   9:32 AM     2.9   8:12 PM    Rise  9:37 PM
    22      Low   3:38 PM    -0.2
    22     High  10:08 PM     3.2
Tu  23      Low   4:08 AM     0.1   6:42 AM     Set  8:56 AM      97
    23     High  10:23 AM     2.9   8:12 PM    Rise 10:16 PM
    23      Low   4:28 PM    -0.2
    23     High  10:54 PM     3.2
W   24      Low   4:58 AM     0.0   6:43 AM     Set 10:01 AM      92
    24     High  11:14 AM     3.1   8:11 PM    Rise 10:52 PM
    24      Low   5:19 PM    -0.1
    24     High  11:40 PM     3.1
Th  25      Low   5:49 AM    -0.1   6:43 AM     Set 11:05 AM      85
    25     High  12:07 PM     3.1   8:11 PM    Rise 11:27 PM
    25      Low   6:12 PM     0.0
F   26     High  12:27 AM     3.1   6:44 AM     Set 12:08 PM      76
    26      Low   6:42 AM    -0.1   8:10 PM
    26     High   1:03 PM     2.9
    26      Low   7:09 PM     0.2
Sa  27     High   1:17 AM     2.9   6:44 AM    Rise 12:01 AM      65
    27      Low   7:39 AM    -0.1   8:10 PM     Set  1:11 PM
    27     High   2:01 PM     2.9
    27      Low   8:09 PM     0.5
Su  28     High   2:11 AM     2.8   6:45 AM    Rise 12:38 AM      54
    28      Low   8:38 AM     0.0   8:09 PM     Set  2:15 PM
    28     High   3:03 PM     2.8
    28      Low   9:12 PM     0.6
M   29     High   3:10 AM     2.7   6:45 AM    Rise  1:17 AM      43
    29      Low   9:40 AM     0.0   8:09 PM     Set  3:20 PM
    29     High   4:09 PM     2.7
    29      Low  10:15 PM     0.7
Tu  30     High   4:13 AM     2.6   6:46 AM    Rise  2:02 AM      32
    30      Low  10:42 AM     0.0   8:08 PM     Set  4:25 PM
    30     High   5:14 PM     2.7
    30      Low  11:17 PM     0.7
W   31     High   5:17 AM     2.6   6:46 AM    Rise  2:53 AM      22
    31      Low  11:41 AM     0.0   8:07 PM     Set  5:27 PM
    31     High   6:15 PM     2.8
Th   1      Low  12:15 AM     0.7   6:47 AM    Rise  3:49 AM      14
     1     High   6:18 AM     2.6   8:07 PM     Set  6:23 PM
     1      Low  12:36 PM     0.0
     1     High   7:10 PM     2.8
F    2      Low   1:08 AM     0.6   6:47 AM    Rise  4:48 AM      7
     2     High   7:13 AM     2.7   8:06 PM     Set  7:14 PM
     2      Low   1:27 PM     0.0
     2     High   7:59 PM     2.8
Sa   3      Low   1:57 AM     0.6   6:48 AM    Rise  5:49 AM      3
     3     High   8:03 AM     2.7   8:05 PM     Set  7:57 PM
     3      Low   2:15 PM     0.1
     3     High   8:42 PM     2.9
Su   4      Low   2:42 AM     0.5   6:48 AM    Rise  6:48 AM      0
     4     High   8:48 AM     2.7   8:05 PM     Set  8:35 PM
     4      Low   2:58 PM     0.1
     4     High   9:21 PM     2.9
M    5      Low   3:24 AM     0.5   6:49 AM    Rise  7:45 AM      0
     5     High   9:29 AM     2.8   8:04 PM     Set  9:08 PM
     5      Low   3:39 PM     0.1
     5     High   9:58 PM     2.9
Tu   6      Low   4:04 AM     0.5   6:49 AM    Rise  8:39 AM      1
     6     High  10:09 AM     2.8   8:03 PM     Set  9:37 PM
     6      Low   4:19 PM     0.2
     6     High  10:32 PM     2.8
W    7      Low   4:42 AM     0.5   6:50 AM    Rise  9:31 AM      4
     7     High  10:47 AM     2.7   8:03 PM     Set 10:05 PM
     7      Low   4:56 PM     0.3
     7     High  11:06 PM     2.8
Th   8      Low   5:19 AM     0.5   6:50 AM    Rise 10:21 AM      9
     8     High  11:26 AM     2.7   8:02 PM     Set 10:32 PM
     8      Low   5:34 PM     0.6
     8     High  11:40 PM     2.7
F    9      Low   5:55 AM     0.5   6:51 AM    Rise 11:12 AM      16
     9     High  12:06 PM     2.6   8:01 PM     Set 11:00 PM
     9      Low   6:12 PM     0.7
Sa  10     High  12:15 AM     2.6   6:51 AM    Rise 12:03 PM      23
    10      Low   6:33 AM     0.6   8:00 PM     Set 11:29 PM
    10     High  12:47 PM     2.6
    10      Low   6:52 PM     0.8
Su  11     High  12:52 AM     2.5   6:52 AM    Rise 12:56 PM      32
    11      Low   7:14 AM     0.6   7:59 PM
    11     High   1:33 PM     2.5
    11      Low   7:37 PM     0.9
M   12     High   1:34 AM     2.5   6:52 AM     Set 12:01 AM      41
    12      Low   8:02 AM     0.6   7:59 PM    Rise  1:52 PM
    12     High   2:25 PM     2.5
    12      Low   8:31 PM     1.0
Tu  13     High   2:22 AM     2.4   6:53 AM     Set 12:39 AM      51
    13      Low   8:57 AM     0.6   7:58 PM    Rise  2:51 PM
    13     High   3:25 PM     2.5
    13      Low   9:32 PM     1.1
W   14     High   3:20 AM     2.4   6:53 AM     Set  1:22 AM      60
    14      Low   9:58 AM     0.6   7:57 PM    Rise  3:51 PM
    14     High   4:30 PM     2.5
    14      Low  10:34 PM     1.0
Th  15     High   4:26 AM     2.4   6:54 AM     Set  2:13 AM      70
    15      Low  10:58 AM     0.5   7:56 PM    Rise  4:52 PM
    15     High   5:33 PM     2.6
    15      Low  11:34 PM     0.9
F   16     High   5:32 AM     2.6   6:54 AM     Set  3:12 AM      79
    16      Low  11:56 AM     0.3   7:55 PM    Rise  5:49 PM
    16     High   6:30 PM     2.8
Sa  17      Low  12:29 AM     0.8   6:54 AM     Set  4:17 AM      87
    17     High   6:33 AM     2.7   7:54 PM    Rise  6:42 PM
    17      Low  12:49 PM     0.1
    17     High   7:22 PM     3.1
Su  18      Low   1:20 AM     0.6   6:55 AM     Set  5:25 AM      94
    18     High   7:29 AM     2.9   7:53 PM    Rise  7:28 PM
    18      Low   1:41 PM     0.0
    18     High   8:10 PM     3.2
M   19      Low   2:09 AM     0.3   6:55 AM     Set  6:35 AM      98
    19     High   8:22 AM     3.2   7:53 PM    Rise  8:10 PM
    19      Low   2:31 PM    -0.1
    19     High   8:56 PM     3.4
Tu  20      Low   2:57 AM     0.1   6:56 AM     Set  7:43 AM      99
    20     High   9:14 AM     3.4   7:52 PM    Rise  8:48 PM
    20      Low   3:20 PM    -0.1
    20     High   9:42 PM     3.4
W   21      Low   3:45 AM     0.0   6:56 AM     Set  8:50 AM      98
    21     High  10:05 AM     3.5   7:51 PM    Rise  9:25 PM
    21      Low   4:09 PM     0.0
    21     High  10:27 PM     3.5
Th  22      Low   4:34 AM    -0.1   6:57 AM     Set  9:55 AM      94
    22     High  10:56 AM     3.5   7:50 PM    Rise 10:00 PM
    22      Low   5:00 PM     0.1
    22     High  11:13 PM     3.4
F   23      Low   5:24 AM    -0.1   6:57 AM     Set 11:01 AM      87
    23     High  11:48 AM     3.4   7:49 PM    Rise 10:37 PM
    23      Low   5:52 PM     0.3
Sa  24     High  12:01 AM     3.3   6:58 AM     Set 12:06 PM      78
    24      Low   6:17 AM     0.0   7:48 PM    Rise 11:16 PM
    24     High  12:42 PM     3.3
    24      Low   6:47 PM     0.6
Su  25     High  12:52 AM     3.2   6:58 AM     Set  1:13 PM      68
    25      Low   7:14 AM     0.1   7:47 PM
    25     High   1:40 PM     3.2
    25      Low   7:47 PM     0.7
M   26     High   1:48 AM     2.9   6:58 AM    Rise 12:00 AM      57
    26      Low   8:16 AM     0.2   7:46 PM     Set  2:18 PM
    26     High   2:43 PM     3.1
    26      Low   8:52 PM     0.9
Tu  27     High   2:50 AM     2.8   6:59 AM    Rise 12:49 AM      46
    27      Low   9:21 AM     0.3   7:45 PM     Set  3:22 PM
    27     High   3:50 PM     2.9
    27      Low   9:59 PM     1.0
W   28     High   3:57 AM     2.7   6:59 AM    Rise  1:43 AM      35
    28      Low  10:27 AM     0.5   7:44 PM     Set  4:20 PM
    28     High   4:58 PM     2.8
    28      Low  11:03 PM     1.0
Th  29     High   5:05 AM     2.7   7:00 AM    Rise  2:42 AM      25
    29      Low  11:28 AM     0.5   7:43 PM     Set  5:12 PM
    29     High   5:59 PM     2.9
F   30      Low  12:02 AM     0.9   7:00 AM    Rise  3:41 AM      17
    30     High   6:06 AM     2.8   7:42 PM     Set  5:56 PM
    30      Low  12:24 PM     0.5
    30     High   6:52 PM     2.9
Sa  31      Low  12:53 AM     0.9   7:01 AM    Rise  4:41 AM      10
    31     High   6:59 AM     2.9   7:41 PM     Set  6:35 PM
    31      Low   1:13 PM     0.5
    31     High   7:36 PM     3.1


  • Mayor's newsletter_ Budget plan boosts public safety, other key city goals.eml(102 KB )
  • Petroleum Berth Schedule (4).xls(153 KB )

Disclaimer: For quality assurance purposes please note well that while the information contained in this website is regularly vetted for accuracy it is not intended to replace the local knowledge or expertise pertaining to port conditions of our marine operations personnel.

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