Terminal Operators should also consider the impacts of possible protracted fog closures in the months ahead.
USCG Sector Houston will no longer accept COC exam requests seeking a date more than 10 calendar days in advance. Additionally, SHG will normally not accept new requests made less than 24 hours advance.
CBP Houston does not permit off-signers to stay in hotel to await their flights home. They must go direct for vessel to IAH for their flights.
Valid C1-D USA visa is required for all off-signers by CBP Houston, on very rare occasions will exception be made by CBP Houston.
National Response Center Number: 800-424-8802 - Contact the NRC for oil spills, hazmat releases.
Area of Responsibility
Sector Houston-Galveston encompasses an area extending from the east bank of the Colorado River in southwest Texas to 60 miles east of Lake Charles, Louisiana.
The Sector’s northern boundary aligns with the Texas- Oklahoma border and encompasses Lake Texoma. The southern border extends 200 miles offshore to the seaward
extent of the U.S. exclusive economic zone. The unit includes two separate Captain of the Port (COTP) zones and major maritime centers including Houston, Beaumont,
Lake Charles, Texas City, Port Arthur, Freeport and Galveston.houupdate.png316 KB
Disclaimer: For quality assurance purposes please note well that while the information contained in this website is regularly vetted for accuracy it is not intended to replace the local knowledge or expertise pertaining to port conditions of our marine operations personnel.
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