Please note the below received from our Maritime Association regarding an upcoming river closure at MM. 0 – MM 2 AHOP due to upcoming dredging operations. We will keep you posted as more information becomes available and dates are confirmed.
The Corps of Engineers is preparing to begin dredging the dredge disposal area just north of Head of Passes. As has been done previously, river closures from Mile 0 to Mile 2 will be required. The tentative schedule is below:
Sunday, November 17th & Monday, November 18th – One Way Traffic from Mile 0 to Mile 2.
Tuesday, November 19th (0600 – 1800): River closed to ships from Mile 0 to Mile 2 to allow for dredging of east side of the channel.
Wednesday, November 20th: No Closure Scheduled, Normal Traffic Movements
Thursday, November 21st (0600 – 1800): River closed to ships from Mile 0 to Mile 2 to allow for submersion of discharge line.
Vessels intending to arrive or depart the on the day of the closures must arrive at Pilottown (outbound) no later than 5:30 a.m. or Southwest Pass Entrance Light (Inbound) No later than 4:00 a.m. on the morning of the closures.
Additional information will be provided as the dates for the project nears. Please continue to monitor your email for updates.