
New Orleans / Mississippi River

January 22, 2025


Please note the below received from our Maritime Association advising on when we can anticipate vessel navigation/movements to resume.  We will pass along further information as it is received.

Due to hazardous conditions on the roadways, vessel movements are not anticipated to begin until sometime tomorrow.   
The opening of the waterway will be different than re-opening after a hurricane.  Movements will be based on linesman ability to access the vessels, tug availability, etc.
The pilots are compiling a list of vessels (both inbound and outbound) they anticipate will be able to service first once it is determined it is safe to begin moving.
The list will be shared once received.
Please continue to monitor your email for updates.

Disclaimer: For quality assurance purposes please note well that while the information contained in this website is regularly vetted for accuracy it is not intended to replace the local knowledge or expertise pertaining to port conditions of our marine operations personnel.

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