
Port of Houston

July 05, 2024


The Captain of the Port (COTP) has set Port Condition Whiskey for the ports of Houston, Galveston, Freeport, Texas City and portions of the GIWW between MM-319.5 and MM-442. Heavy weather conditions from Hurricane Beryl are expected to make landfall within 72 hours. For information on Port Conditions, please refer to Sector Houston-Galveston MSIB 13-24 and Heavy Weather forms, which are located on HOMEPORT at: Sector Houston/Galveston Homeport
Continued uncertainty on the impact of the track may result in decreased preparation time once the path of the storm becomes more defined. As storm information is updated, there is the potential to go to Port Condition X-Ray or straight to Port Condition Yankee. Additional guidance will be issued via Marine Safety Information Bulletins (MSIB), Broadcast Notice to Mariners or other forms as necessary. The Port Coordination Team has convened and will facilitate communications between and amongst port stakeholders and to, and on behalf of, the COTP. Monitor National Weather Service for most up to date weather and conditions.
The COTP has established a safety zone for the following areas: That portion of Sector Houston[1]Galveston’s Captain of the Port Zone (as defined in 33 CFR 3.40-28) west of GIWW MM-319.5 to include the ports of Houston, Galveston, Freeport, Texas City and all surrounding navigable waterways. Vessels that desire to enter, transit or remain within this safety zone, must request approval from COTP. The following requirements are in effect for vessels and facilities:
• Initiate vessel and facility severe weather plans. • Regulated facilities must submit Pre-Storm Checklist. • Commercial self-propelled vessels >500 GT requesting to remain in port or the Galveston Fairway Anchorage shall submit “Declaration of Intent to Remain in Port”. • Vessels will not be permitted to remain in Bolivar Anchorage if Condition Yankee is set. • Ocean going vessels begin making plans for departure. Vessels bound for the ports listed above are advised to seek an alternate destination. Inland tows must identify a facility or fleeting area that will support a safe mooring for the duration of heavy weather. All port entities are advised to review appropriate Heavy Weather Plans and prepare for setting Port Condition X-Ray.
All documents (checklists & forms) mentioned in this MSIB can be found on Sector Houston-Galveston’s Homeport page under Local Contingency Plans. Please address questions to the Sector Houston-Galveston Command Center at (866) 539-8114. This bulletin shall remain active until cancelled or superseded by another bulletin. N. D. RODRIGUEZ Captain, United States Coast Guard Acting Captain of the Port


  • MSIB_16-24_Port_Condition_Whiskey_Hurricane_Beryl.pdf(176 KB )

Disclaimer: For quality assurance purposes please note well that while the information contained in this website is regularly vetted for accuracy it is not intended to replace the local knowledge or expertise pertaining to port conditions of our marine operations personnel.

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